Everything You Need To Know About Gum Grafting

Your dentist may recommend that you undergo gum grafting in Brandon if you have gum disease that has progressed beyond the point of gingivitis to the stage of periodontitis causing gum recession. Gum recession describes when the edge of your gums around your teeth shrinks or pulls away from your teeth to expose an ever-greater amount of teeth and even the roots of those teeth. Gum recession is a result of periodontal disease and a cause of worsening periodontal disease. The deeper that those gums recede, the deeper that the pockets around your teeth become and the more bacteria and acids accumulate in those pockets. That increased accumulation fuels the destructive cycle of periodontitis that can, if not treated effectively, ultimately result in the loss of gum tissue and even teeth. What causes receding gums? The most common cause of receding gums is periodontal disease, but is not the only cause. In addition to periodontitis, receding gums can be caused by poor oral hygiene, aw...