What To Expect After Root Canal Therapy

During a root canal procedure performed by a dentist in Brandon , you won’t experience any pain. Before the procedure begins, your dentist will completely numb the area being worked on. After the procedure is complete and the numbness wears off, though, you may experience some pain and discomfort. Your jaw or face muscles may also be sore. That’s to be expected considering you’d had your mouth open for longer than usual while your dentist got rid of the infection in your tooth. The pain you do experience after a root canal can be treated effectively with over-the-counter pain medications. If you have any allergies relating to pain medication or prior negative experiences with pain control, be sure to discuss those issues with your dentist while developing your treatment plan. After your tooth has been cleared of infection, your dentist will seal the tooth to protect it from re-infection. Even though the tooth is now infection-free, it will be somewhat vulnerable to injury or damag...