Everything That You Need to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction near you is the surgical procedure for the removal of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth that don’t have enough room to grow are called impacted wisdom teeth. They can result in an infection, cause pain and possibly other dental problems. If you are experiencing any of the mentioned problems, you’ll need to have your wisdom tooth removed. A dentist or an oral surgeon will perform the surgery to remove wisdom teeth. If you have wisdom teeth that aren’t causing any problems, your dentist in Brandon could still recommend getting your wisdom teeth extracted. Why Extract Wisdom Teeth Wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to appear and will typically appear when you are 17 to 25 years old, but some people never develop wisdom teeth. For some, their wisdom teeth erupt normally and don’t cause them any problems. Some impacted wisdom teeth can develop without problems while other wisdom teeth don't have enough room to erupt in the mouth. A...